Hello Lovelies!!... well in case you've been living on another planet you will not have escaped the fact that the royal wedding is almost upon us!!!...I love a bit of union jack anyway so I'm Uber happy theres lots of lovely things to buy limited edition!
Very excited about the new Chanel collection ,Chanel has announced its move into Oxford Street’s Selfridges store with a new counter set to open this July, and to celebrate the occasion the brand will be launching a limited edition line of make-up.
The collection was created by Peter Phillips, (creative director for Chanel Makeup),Ha has taken his inspiration from the London scene and most likely the impending Royal nuptuals.The London Madness Collection includes new, eye-popping red shades of Rouge Allure and Le Vernis, and the highlight, the Pearly Banner Palette – an ivory, gold and silver highlighter embossed with the Union Jack.
And how could we forget one of the most famous and well loved British designers of all time! This bag is set to be an iconic classic since the untimely death of Alexander McQueen...
And I love this British Lady too my girl crush Jessie J..Giving the American stylistas a run for their money..what great Makeup Artistry..Love it!
And good ol Kate Moss was rocking one of these on recent day out..not toooo Jelous!!!
Love these commemorative necklaces by The Mymbles Daughter..so original..check out the website some lovely little bespoke peices
Oh and just for good measure....mmmmm
The Chanel Brit collection oohh laaa laaaa!!
Hope you all have a lovely day whatever you do!..xxxx |